Trout Lilies – 5 Interesting Tips About These Plants

Since this month we are talking about plant health care, we thought we’d talk about one of the plants that you may not know about and how to care for it – the trout lily. Below are the things that you should know about these plants and how to care for them.

Where Trout Lilies Should be Planted

They will thrive in many different light conditions. they will grow in partial shade, full sun or dappled shade, and they prefer soil that is evenly moist during an active growth period.

When You Should Plant Trout Lilies

They should be planted in autumn when you purchase them. these bulbs aren’t going to tolerate becoming dry. Their roots are going to form soon after they’re planted, and the flowers and leaves will develop come springtime.

How Trout Liles Should be Planted

Find a spot that has good light and the soil’s evenly moist when they’re actively growing.

Dig some holes and then tuck your bulbs into some loosened soil around 5” in depth and space them 2” apart. The pointed end should be facing upwards.

Water them thoroughly after you plant them, soaking your soil so that it settles around your bulbs.

How Trout Lilies Should be Grown

Water them as needed during their periods of active growth, giving them around 1” each week of water.

Clip off the flower stems that are spent once blooming’s finished.

Leave their foliage after blooming’s done. The leaves are going to gather the sunlight and keep on creating food thanks to photosynthesis, and this is going to strengthen your bulbs.

Remove dry foliage once your leaves have become yellow and died, in the beginning of the summer to the middle.

Let the trout lilies remain dormant for several months before you start the following growing cycle in springtime.

Trout Lilies Tips and Tricks

  • Plant them quickly because they don’t like being out of their soil for a long time and they don’t tolerate becoming dry.
  • Snip their bell-shaped blossoms when they’re blooming for beautiful bouquets.
  • Grow them in your landscape instead of containers. They don’t like to be disturbed.
  • Water them deeply each week rather than giving them lighter drinks.
  • They will reappear in the springtime and gradually develop into bigger clumps.

We hope that you found this to be useful. If you are interested, we offer plant health care services and we are happy to provide you with a quote. Simply click here.


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